Monday, October 29, 2007

Off To ThE HoLy LaNd

So many things to little time...I haven't packed my stuff yet for our trip to Jordan & Jerusalem tomorrow...

Travel light! That's what Ambassador Ricardo Endaya said. You read it right! I'm travelling with our Ambassador, Assistant Labor Attache Elmira Sto. Domingo, Resty and another embassy staff, Mr. Halim...

What should I bring for a four-day trip? We're leaving Kuwait Tuesday afternoon and be back here Saturday morning...Anyway, I still have the whole night and whole morning tomorrow to pack. Duh!

Good thing, my boss was kind enough to sign my leave form. He's such a kind and charming human being...that's what you call pure luck!

I'm really looking forward to this trip - a once in a lifetime pilgrimage...I'll be listing down tonight all my prayer petitions for my family and friends...The mere thought of it makes me feel so good!!!

On the side, we hope to visit Tel Aviv too, if we still have the time...Resty would love that! Too bad, Geoff, another member of the (defunct?) Thursday Club can't join us. Maybe next time, Geoff can make it to Fatima and Lourdes. Does the invitation still stand Amba?

HoLy LaNd HeRe We CoMe!

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